No Apology Necessary


I’m SO sorry! My apologies! I feel so bad!

We are all guilty of apologizing when no apology is necessary “OMG, I’m so sorry…” “yes, sorry!” and “no, I can’t make it, sorry.”

It has become a space filler.

And lost its meaning at the same time.

Here is the litmus test for when to apologize:
❓ Have I hurt someone (intentionally or unintentionally)?
❓ Have I crossed a boundary (my own or another’s)?
❓ Was I mistaken (misinformed, wrong, faulty judgment)?

Let’s be aware of the words coming out of our mouths.

Don’t apologize for:
❣ Existing (Did I come too early? Too late? Can I be here? Is my presence welcome?)
❣ Choosing what’s best for you (over others’ expectations, feelings)
❣ Having or expressing feelings (especially crying)
❣ Saying yes/no
❣ Having or asking for wants/needs (asserting yourself with what you want/need)
❣ Disappointing others
❣ Putting yourself first

Your words matter. Your words say something about you.

No need to over-apologize!
No need to say you’re sorry for things that don’t warrant an apology!

Saying you’re sorry for (existing, having needs, expressing feelings, etc.) is a way of putting YOU down, minimizing your glorious self.

Own your mistakes,
own your wrongdoings,
own the pain you have caused.

Apologize for those things.

But let’s not apologize for
putting ourselves first,
making ourselves a priority or
making a good decision for


Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.

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Do the nice thing!